Learn about our surcharge functionality

A surcharge fee is added by a merchant as an additional fee to a transaction when a customer uses a bank card or other payment method than cash for a transaction. A surcharge fee is applied where permitted to cover the costs of accepting credit cards, and in limited countries, debit cards. Merchants who choose to surcharge must follow consumer disclosure and other requirements, which include card brand rules, and country and state laws.

There are a variety of rules and regulations to understand around surcharging, including territory requirements. Visit our main surcharges guide to learn more about Implementation Rules.


The information provided here is for guidance and not legal advice. Surcharging rules and regulations are subject to change. Please consult on your setup to ensure your compliance.

Passing Surcharge Value to BlueSnap Reports and Card Schemes

Once you’ve addressed regulations around surcharges, you can pass a surcharge fee in your transaction by including it in the metadata.

The surcharge fee value is passed to BlueSnap reports in metadata fields, so your reports will display new report columns reflecting the surcharge fee value. The data will be passed to BlueSnap with the following metafield values:

metaKeySurcharge Applied
metaValueFee Value (XXX)
metaDescriptionSurcharge Fee Amount