
Contains the details for a specific credit card, such as the card number and expiration date


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
card-numberstringRequired if encrypted-card-number is not sent.Credit card number.
For example:
* 4111 1111 1111 1111
encrypted-card-numberstringRequired if card-number is not sent.Encrypted credit card number.

Required if sending shopper-id and the shopper has multiple saved cards.
Last four digits of the credit card.
card-typestringOptional if sending card-number or encrypted-card-number

Required if sending shopper-id and the shopper has multiple saved cards.

Note: If you do not send the card-type, BlueSnap will automatically identify the type based on the number. If you do send a card type but BlueSnap identifies that the card is a different type, the transaction will fail. You can check the card type for a specific number using the Retrieve Card Info request.
Credit card type.
expiration-monthintegerRequiredCredit card expiration month.
expiration-yearintegerRequiredCredit card expiration 4-digit year.
security-codestringRequired if encrypted-security-code is not sent.Credit card security code.
encrypted-security-codestringRequired if security-code is not sent.Encrypted credit card security code.

Relevant if using Hosted Payment Fields
Hosted Payment Fields token that has been associated with a shopper's CVV. Useful for verifying CVV when shopper uses a vaulted card.


Property NameTypeDescription
card-last-four-digitsstringLast four digits of the credit card.
card-typestringCredit card type.
card-sub-typestringCard sub-type, such as Credit or Debit.
card-categorystringCard category, such as business or prepaid.
Appears only if relevant.
expiration-monthintegerCredit card expiration month.
Appears only in responses for Retrieve Shopper.
expiration-yearintegerCredit card expiration 4-digit year.
Appears only in responses for Retrieve Shopper.
issue-numberstringIssue number on the credit card.