Shopper Errors

The following errors can be returned in response to requests related to shoppers, including Create Order and New Shopper, Create Shopper, Update Shopper, Retrieve Shopper, and Delete Shopper.

CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_BAD_INPUTCredit card details decryption failed due to invalid input.19000
CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_BAD_PUBLIC_KEYCredit card details decryption failed due to invalid public key.19000
CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_GENERAL_FAILURECredit card details decryption failed.19000
CREDIT_CARD_DETAILS_PLAIN_AND_ENCRYPTEDShopper credit card cannot contain both plain and encrypted details.-
CREDIT_CARD_ENCRYPTED_NUMBER_REQUIREDCredit card encrypted number is required.-
CREDIT_CARD_ENCRYPTED_SECURITY_CODE_REQUIREDCredit card encrypted security code is required.-
CURRENCY_CODE_NOT_FOUNDThe Currency Code passed in the request was not found.
CVV_ERRORPayment processing failure due to CVV error.14002
DELETE_SHOPPER_VALIDATION_FAILUREProduced by one of the following errors:
Shopper has made purchases in the past 12 months
Shopper has pending SEPA or ECP payment that has not yet been approved/rejected
* Shopper has active subscriptions. Active subscriptions must be canceled before attempting to delete.
HIGH_RISK_ERRORPayment processing failure due to high risk.14002
INCORRECT_INFORMATIONPayment processing failure due to incorrect information.14002
INVALID_CARD_NUMBERPayment processing failure due to invalid card number.14002
INVALID_CARD_TYPEPayment processing failure due to invalid card type.14002
INVALID_IP_ADDRESSThe IP address passed in the request is invalid.15001
INVALID_NUM_OF_SHOPPER_PAYMENT_METHODSThe number of shopper payment methods is invalid.1000
INVALID_PIN_OR_PW_OR_ID_ERRORPayment processing failure due to invalid PIN or password or ID error.14002
INVALID_SHOPPER_IDThe Shopper ID passed in the request is invalid.-
INVALID_VAT_IDThe VAT ID passed in the request is invalid.-
SELLER_SHOPPER_ALREADY_EXISTSInternal merchant shopper ID already exists.15004
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_OFAC_SANCTIONEDOne of the shopper's countries was defined as OFAC sanctioned.15012
SHOPPER_HAS_MULTIPLE_CREDIT_CARDSShopper has multiple credit cards.-
SHOPPER_ID_MISMATCHShopper ID mismatch.-
SHOPPER_ID_REQUIREDShopper ID is required.16001 or empty
SHOPPER_IP_REQUIREDShopper IP address is required.10001
SHOPPER_NOT_FOUNDThe Shopper ID passed in the request was not found.15008
SHOPPER_USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTSShopper user name already exists.15010
SYSTEM_TECHNICAL_ERRORPayment processing failure due to system technical error.14002
THE_ISSUER_IS_UNAVAILABLE_OR_OFFLINEPayment processing failure because the issuer is unavailable or offline.14002
TOO_MANY_PAYMENT_METHODS_SELECTEDOnly one selected payment method is allowed for shopper.16002
UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODEUnknown country code.-
UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_FOR_IP_ADDRESSCountry cannot be resolved according to IP address.15001
UNKNOWN_CURRENCYCurrency can not be resolved. Missing currency or country or IP.-
UNKNOWN_STATE_CODEUnknown state code.-
UNKNOWN_STATE_FOR_IP_ADDRESSState cannot be resolved according to IP address.15001
VALIDATION_GENERAL_FAILUREProduced by one of the following errors:
The payment method you are trying to delete is associated to at least 1 active subscription.
The payment method you are trying to delete is associated with at least 1 payment that is pending approval.