Payment & Processor Errors

The following errors can be returned in response to requests related to payment processing, including Order, Shopping Context, and Subscription requests.

AMOUNT_EXCEEDED_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_FRACTION_DIGITSExceeded maximum fraction digits for currency [USD]. Maximum is [2].14021
AUTHORIZATION_AMOUNT_ALREADY_REVERSEDPayment processing failure because the authorization has already been reversed.14002
AUTHORIZATION_AMOUNT_NOT_VALIDPayment processing failure due to invalid amount for this transaction.14002
AUTHORIZATION_EXPIREDPayment processing failure because the authorization has expired.14002
AUTHORIZATION_NEEDED_BEFORE_CAPTUREAuthorization must be performed before capture.-
AUTHORIZATION_NOT_FOUNDPayment processing failure because the authorization was not found.14002
BLS_CONNECTION_PROBLEMYour payment request could not be successfully completed.14002
BLS_ECP_WRONG_BANK_DETAILSYour payment request could not be successfully completed.14002
BLS_ERROR_IN_PROCESSING_SUBSCRIPTION_PAYMENTYour payment request could not be successfully completed.14002
BLS_NO_SUCH_SHOPPER_PAYMENT_METHODYour payment request could not be successfully completed.14002
CALL_ISSUERPayment processing failure due to an unspecified error. Please contact the issuing bank.14002
CARD_LOST_OR_STOLENThe card is lost or stolen.
Your payment request could not be successfully completed.
Retry the transaction using a different card or decline the transaction.
CART_OR_CART_PARAMS_REQUIREDShopping cart or shopping cart parameters are required.-
CDOD_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CARTThe cart contains CDoD but no item in the cart supports CDoD.13005
CHANGING_SUBSCRIPTION_SKU_NOT_SUPPORTEDChanging SKU for subscription is not supported.-
CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_BAD_INPUTCredit card details decryption failed due to invalid input.19000
CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_BAD_PUBLIC_KEYCredit card details decryption failed due to invalid public key.19000
CLIENT_ENCRYPTION_GENERAL_FAILURECredit card details decryption failed.19000
COUPON_CODE_REQUIREDCoupon code is required.-
COUPON_NOT_FOUNDCoupon was not found.-
ONLY_ONE_COUPON_PER_ORDEROnly one coupon can be used for each order.80200
CREDIT_CARD_DETAILS_PLAIN_AND_ENCRYPTEDShopper credit card cannot contain both plain and encrypted details.
Correct the shopper details and resubmit.
CREDIT_CARD_ENCRYPTED_NUMBER_REQUIREDCredit card encrypted number is required.
Add the encrypted card number and resubmit.
CREDIT_CARD_ENCRYPTED_SECURITY_CODE_REQUIREDCredit card encrypted security code is required. Add the encrypted security code and resubmit.-
CURRENCY_CODE_NOT_FOUNDThe Currency Code passed in the request was not found.13001
CUSTOM_PARAMETER_NOT_FOUNDCustom parameter was not found.1000
CVV_ERRORPayment processing failure due to CVV error.
Correct the CVV code and retry the transaction.
DO_NOT_HONORPayment processing failure due to issuing bank decline. Try another payment method or wait 24 hours before trying again.14002
EDW_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CARTThe cart contains EDW but no item in the cart supports EDW.13006
EMPTY_CARTThe shopping cart is empty.-
EMPTY_RESULTThe parameters specified to the service lead to an empty result.-
EXPECTED_TOTAL_PRICE_FAILUREExpected total price does not match the calculated total price.
Transaction could not be completed due to unsupported currency
EXPIRED_CARDYour payment request could not be successfully completed.
Correct the expiration date and retry. If the transaction still fails, retry with a different payment method or decline the transaction.
FAILED_CREATING_PAYPAL_TOKENInternal processing error, please contact support.14010
GENERAL_PAYMENT_PROCESSING_ERRORA general payment failure has occurred.
Your payment request could not be successfully completed.
HIGH_RISK_ERRORPayment processing failure due to high risk.14002
ILLEGAL_PAYPAL_ORDER_STATUSOperation not supported for unmanaged PayPal order with id ${orderId}.14012
INACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTIONSubscription Charge creation failure since the subscription {Subscription ID} is in a non-active state.90024
INCORRECT_INFORMATIONPayment processing failure due to incorrect information.

Description will contain additional information about the specific error.
INCORRECT_SETUPPayment processing failure due to incorrect setup.14002
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSYour payment request could not be successfully completed.
Retry the transaction at a later date, use a new payment method or decline the transaction.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_FOR_REFUNDThere are not enough funds in your account to issue this refund, please contact support@bluesnap.com14008
INVALID_AFFILIATE_IDInvalid affiliate ID.1000
INVALID_AMOUNTPayment processing failure due to invalid amount for this transaction.14002
INVALID_BANK_COUNTRYThe bank country passed in the request is invalid.-
INVALID_CANCELLATION_REASONThe cancellation reason passed in the request is invalid.90031
INVALID_CARD_NUMBERPayment processing failure due to invalid card number.
Correct the card number and retry the transaction. If the transaction still fails, try a new payment method or decline the transaction.
INVALID_CARD_TYPEPayment processing failure due to invalid card type.
Correct the card number and retry the transaction. If the transaction still fails, try a new payment method or decline the transaction.
INVALID_CURRENCYUpdating subscription failed due to invalid currency code.-
INVALID_CUSTOM_PARAMETERThe custom parameter passed in the request is invalid.1000
INVALID_INPUTOne or more parameters specified to the service are invalid.-
INVALID_IP_ADDRESSThe IP address passed in the request is invalid.15001
INVALID_NUM_OF_SHOPPER_PAYMENT_METHODSThe number of shopper payment methods is invalid.1000
INVALID_PAGE_NAMEPage name is invalid or missing.-
INVALID_PIN_OR_PW_OR_ID_ERRORPayment processing failure due to invalid PIN or password or ID error.14002
INVALID_SHOPPER_IDThe Shopper ID passed in the request is invalid.-
INVALID_STEP_FIELDInvalid step field.-
INVALID_TRANSACTIONPayment processing failure because this transaction is not allowed by the issuer.14002
INVALID_TRANSACTION_TYPETransaction type is invalid.
Note: HTTP status is 403 Forbidden.
INVALID_VAT_IDThe VAT ID passed in the request is invalid.-
INVOICE_ALREADY_REFUNDEDInvoice has already been refunded.14009
INVOICE_ALREADY_FULLY_REFUNDEDInvoice has already been fully refunded.14022
INVOICE_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe invoice ID passed in the request was not found.1000
LICENSE_KEY_REGENERATION_GENERAL_FAILURELicense key regeneration errors.1000
LIMIT_EXCEEDEDPayment processing failure because card limit has exceeded.
Retry the transaction later, use a new payment method, or decline the transaction.
MAX_NUMBER_PLANS_EXCEEDEDMax number of allowed plans exceeded.
Remove unused plans or contact eSupport for help.
MISSING_PARAMETER_KEY_OR_VALUEMissing parameter key or value.-
MULTIPLE_PAYMENT_METHODS_NON_SELECTEDShopper has multiple payment methods, but none is selected.
Correct the payment method and resubmit.
NEGATIVE_AMOUNT_FAILUREThe total amount is negative.1000
NEXT_CHARGE_AMOUNT_REQUIREDNext charge amount is required.90027
NEXT_CHARGE_CURRENCY_REQUIREDNext charge currency is required90029
NEXT_CHARGE_NEGATIVE_AMOUNT_FAILUREThe next charge amount passed in the request is negative.90028
NO_AVAILABLE_PROCESSORSThere are no available processors for the specific request.14016
NO_SHOPPER_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION_IDShopper not found for subscription ID-
NON_POSITIVE_AMOUNT_FAILUREPartial refund failed because the given amount must be greater than zero.14018
NON_POSITIVE_QUANTITYThe quantity passed in the request is 0 or negative.13004
ORDER_INVOICE_OR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_REQUIREDOrder invoice or subscription ID is required.-
ORDER_NOT_FOUNDThe order ID passed in the request was not found.90014
PARTIAL_REFUND_AMOUNT_REQUIREDThe partial refund amount is required.14017
PARTIAL_REFUND_INVALID_AMOUNTSimultaneous usage of invoice refund amount and SKU refund amount parameters is not allowed.14025
PARTIAL_REFUND_INVALID_SKUSKU does not relate to specified invoice.14028
PARTIAL_REFUND_MORE_THAN_ONE_SKUPartial refund failed because only financial transactions which contain exactly one sku can be partially refunded.14019
PARTIAL_REFUND_NOT_SUPPORTEDInvoice cannot be partially refunded.14024
PARTIAL_REFUND_SKU_ERRORSKU amount is required for partial refunds.14027
PARTIAL_REFUND_SKU_AMOUNT_MAX_AMOUNT_FAILURESKU amount exceeds maximum amount allowed for that SKU.14029
PAYMENT_INFO_REQUIREDPayment info is required.15009
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_REFUNDABLEContact Merchant Support to issue this refund.14048
PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTEDPayment processing failure because the attempted operation is not supported for this payment method.14011
PAYPAL_CUSTOM_PLAN_NOT_SUPPORTEDCustom plan subscriptions are not supported in PayPal. Please choose an alternative payment method.17002
PAYPAL_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA_MISMATCHUpdating PayPal subscription failed due to data mismatch.90026
PAYPAL_TOO_MANY_SUBSCRIPTIONSMultiple subscriptions are not supported in PayPal. Please choose an alternative payment method.17001
PERSISTED_SHOPPING_CONTEXT_NOT_FOUNDPersisted shopping context is not found.1000 or 90014
PICKUP_CARDPayment processing failure. The card has been reported lost or stolen and should be removed from use.14002
PLAN_CHANGE_WITH_MORE_THAN_ONE_SKUPlan change with more than one SKU.-
PROCESSING_AMOUNT_ERRORPayment processing failure due to invalid amount for this transaction.
Validate the amount submitted is correct and resubmit. If the transaction still fails decline the transaction.
PROCESSING_DUPLICATEPayment processing failure due to duplication. The transaction is a duplicate of a previously submitted transaction.14002
PROCESSING_GENERAL_DECLINEPayment processing failure due to an unspecified error returned. Retry the transaction and if problem continues contact the issuing bank, or decline the transaction.14002
PROCESSING_TIMEOUTPayment processing failure due to timeout.
Retry the transaction.
REFUND_FAILEDA general payment failure has occurred for this refund.14002
REFUND_GENERAL_FAILUREA failure has occurred. Please contact BlueSnap support for further assistance.
Retry the transaction.


Transaction is not valid for refund as transaction has not been cleared yet. Please wait 3-7 days and try again.
REFUND_IN_PROCESSAnother refund request for this invoice is currently in process. Please wait for it to finish before submitting new request.14023
REFUND_MAX_AMOUNT_FAILURERefund amount cannot be more than the refundable order amount.
Correct amount and resubmit.
REFUND_MIN_AMOUNT_FAILURERefund amount must be greater than 0.
Correct the amount and resubmit.
REFUND_ORDER_WITH_ZERO_TOTAL_AMOUNTThe refund couldn't be issued since the original order has a zero total amount14015
REFUND_PERIOD_EXPIREDThe time limit to perform a refund on this transaction has expired.14007
REFUND_WITHOUT_REFUNDABLE_PAYMENTSThe refund couldn't be issued since the original order doesn't contain any refundable items.14013
RESTRICTED_CARDPayment processing failure due to restricted card.14002
SELLER_ID_REQUIREDSeller ID is required.-
SHOPPER_CREATING_SELLER_MISMATCHSeller and shopper creating seller mismatch for subscription.-
SHOPPER_ID_MISMATCHShopper ID mismatch.90025
SHOPPER_ID_REQUIREDShopper ID is required.16001 or empty
SHOPPER_IP_REQUIREDShopper IP address is required.10001
SHOPPER_NOT_FOUNDThe Shopper ID passed in the request was not found.
Validate the shopper id is correct and resubmit.
SKRILL_PROCESSING_FAILURESkrill processing failure.1000
SKU_NOT_FOUNDThe SKU ID passed in the request was not found.15007
STRONG_CUSTOMER_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDThe transaction failed because there is no strong customer authentication.14002
SUBSCRIPTION_CHARGE_NOT_FOUNDThe subscription charge ID passed in the request was not found.
Subscription Charge retrieval service failure because subscriptionCharge ID: {charge id} was not found.
SUBSCRIPTION_ID_REQUIREDSubscription ID is required.-
SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUNDThe subscription ID passed in the request was not found.90009 or empty
SWITCH_PLAN_ERRORFailure during the switch plan procedure.90021
SYSTEM_TECHNICAL_ERRORPayment processing failure due to system technical error.
Retry the transaction
THE_ISSUER_IS_UNAVAILABLE_OR_OFFLINEPayment processing failure because the issuer is unavailable or offline.
Retry the transaction.
THREE_D_SECURE_FAILUREPayment processing failure due to 3D secure failure.14002
THREE_D_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED3D security authentication is required.14001
TOO_MANY_PAYMENT_METHODS_SELECTEDOnly one selected payment method is allowed for shopper.16002
UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODEUnknown country code.-
UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_FOR_IP_ADDRESSCountry cannot be resolved according to IP address.15001
UNKNOWN_CURRENCYCurrency can not be resolved. Missing currency or country or IP.-
UNKNOWN_STATE_CODEUnknown state code.-
UNKNOWN_STATE_FOR_IP_ADDRESSState cannot be resolved according to IP address.15001
UPDATE_SELLER_ID_NOT_ALLOWEDUpdating Seller ID for Invoice template is not allowed.-
UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_FAILEDUpdating subscription failed due to bad request.90032
USER_NOT_AUTHORIZEDThe user is not authorized to perform this operation.24012 or empty
VAT_VALIDATOR_GENERAL_FAILUREGeneral Vat ID validation failure.1000 or empty
VENDOR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_FOR_REFUNDThere are not enough funds in vendor account to issue this refund. Contact Merchant Support.14049
-Charge price must be passed and contain a valid amount.10001
-ECP details couldn't be verified14014
-ExpectedTotalPrice must be passed and contain a valid amount.10001
The input passed for decryption is not valid.19002
The Public key used for encryption is not valid.19001