

Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
seller-shopper-idstringOptionalUnique shopper ID assigned by the merchant.
store-idintegerOptionalMerchant’s store ID.
To pick up the soft descriptor configured in the system you will need to include the store-id. Please contact Merchant Support, if you do not know your store-id.
vat-codestringOptionalValue added tax identification number (VATIN) associated with the shopper. A shopper with a VATIN does not pay VAT to the merchant.
shopper-currencystringOptionalShopper's selected currency. All prices and orders for this shopper will be based on this currency.
See Currency codes.

Note: In the [Create Order and New Shopper](ref
:create-shopper-and-order) request, the shopper currency and order currency must match.
localestringOptionalShopper's selected language. See Language codes.
soft-descriptorstringOptional; Relevant if sending a credit card numberDescription that may appear on the shopper's bank statement when BlueSnap validates the card.
descriptor-phone-numberstringOptional; Relevant if sending a credit card numberMerchant's support phone number, which may appear on the shopper's bank statement when BlueSnap validates the card.

Length: 0-20 characters
invoice-contacts-infocontainerOptionalContainer of invoice-contacts-info properties.
shipping-contact-infocontainerOptionalContainer of shipping-contact-info properties.
shopper-contact-infocontainerOptionalContainer of shopper-contact-info properties.
payment-infocontainerOptionalContainer of payment-info properties.


Property NameTypeDescription
shopper-idlongShopper's BlueSnap ID.
seller-shopper-idstringUnique shopper ID assigned by the merchant.
store-idintegerMerchant’s store ID.
vat-codestringValue added tax identification number (VATIN) associated with the shopper. A shopper with a VATIN does not pay VAT to the merchant.
shopper-currencystringShopper's selected currency. All prices and orders for this shopper will be based on this currency.
See Currency codes.
localestringShopper's selected language. See Language codes.
invoice-contacts-infocontainerContainer of invoice-contacts-info properties.
shipping-contact-infocontainerContainer of shipping-contact-info properties.
shopper-contact-infocontainerContainer of shopper-contact-info properties.
payment-infocontainerContainer of payment-info properties.