Create the merchant account

When you have collected all your merchant information, use the Create Merchant API request to send to BlueSnap for review.

Create Merchant API Request

Create Merchant API Parameters for Australian Customers

Parameter Required Details
No. Include if using Secure Customer Data Fields Secure Customer Data Fields token.
No If you include this parameter, you are testing the customer-onboarding workflow; the customer account is NOT created but you will receive an IPN and an email as you would in an actual onboarding.
Refer to the testing section for details on how to use this parameter.
Type: string

Valid values:
No Only use if you want to set up a different notification endpoint for each of your merchants. The endpoint URL you define with this parameter will receive transactional IPNs (Webhooks). The IPNs (Webhooks) you receive for your merchants will be determined during your account setup. Learn more.
businessTradingName Yes The name of the business
Type: string
  • Maximum 60 characters
  • ASCII characters only, with special characters ",()./-"
legalName Yes Legal name of the business
Type: string
  • Maximum 60 characters
  • ASCII characters only, with special characters ",()./-"
productAndServiceDesc Yes Provides a detailed description of the business including information about customers and the merchant's products, services, or both
Type: string
Limit: Maximum 1500 characters
phone Yes Company phone number
Type: string
10 digits with no spaces, dashes, or any other characters
website Yes Main website for the merchant's business
Type: string
  • Maximum 100 characters
  • At least 1 "." required
  • No spaces
businessType Yes Type of business
Valid values:
  • Association
  • Cooperative
  • Partnership
  • Proprietary Company
  • Public Company
businessCategory Yes

Category of the business.

Valid values:

  • Business Services
  • Educational Services
  • Charities/Donations
  • Miscellaneous Personal Services
  • Pharmacy
  • Miscellaneous Specialty Retail
  • Software
  • Travel Agencies & Tour Operators
  • Other

address Yes Merchant's business address. Must be a registered business address.
Type: string
Limit: Maximum 60 characters
suburb Yes Merchant's business address suburb
Type: string
Limit: Maximum 60 characters
state Only if country is US or CA Merchant's business address state/province/county/region
Type: string
Limit: 2-letter code. (For US and CA, refer to State and CA Province Codes.)
zip Yes Merchant's business address zip code
Type: string
Limit: Maximum 4 characters
country Yes Merchant's business address country
Type: string
Limit: 2-letter code
For Great Britain, Wales, or Scotland, use GB. For all other countries, refer to Country Codes.
email Yes The business email address provided by your merchant.
Type: string
  • Minimum 7 characters
  • Maximum 100 characters
  • "+" character not permitted
  • Must have "@" char in string
  • Must include at least one ".">

Note: Once the application is approved, an access URL for your merchant's Chargeback Disputes Portal will be sent to this email address.

accountUsername Required only for testing. Merchant's account username. This is for the BlueSnap Merchant Portal credentials for the merchant.
Type: alphanumeric
  • Maximum 18 characters
  • Must be unique
  • Only accepts the following special characters:
    - . _ ( ) :
salesVolume Yes Merchant's current annual sales volume (Must be in USD)
Type: numeric
Limit: Value must be greater than zero
businessRegistrationNumber Yes The business's registration number
Type: string
Limit: Maximum 20 characters
acnOrAbn Yes The business's ACN or ABN
Type: string
Limit: Maximum 15 characters
bsb Yes Routing number for the merchant's business bank account
Type: string
  • Maximum 6 characters
  • Numbers only
accountNumber Yes Account number for the merchant's business bank account
Type: string
  • Maximum 9 characters
  • Numbers only
minimalPayoutAmount Yes The minimum amount at which the customer will be paid. Until this value is reached, funds continue to accumulate.
Type: string
Limit: Minimum $35 USD.
refundReserve Yes The amount of funds kept in the account to cover refunds.
Type: string
Limit: Minimum $100 USD.
paymentReference No Reference text that appears on the customer's bank statement when they are paid out.
Type: string
Limit: Maximum 100 alphanumeric characters
ownerFirstName Yes Business owner's first name
Type: string
  • US: Maximum 40 characters
  • Other: Maximum 60 characters
ownerLastName Yes Business owner's last name
Type: string
  • US: Maximum 40 characters
  • Other: Maximum 60 characters
ownerDateOfBirth Yes The business owner's date of birth.
Type: numeric with "/"
  • Must be in the format of MM/DD/YYYY
  • Maximum 10 characters
ownerGovID Yes Business owner's government ID number
Type: numeric
  • No special characters
  • US: Last 4 digits of SSN, numbers only
  • Other: Maximum 50 characters
ownerPhone Yes Business owner's personal phone number
Type: string
  • No spaces, dashes, or any other characters
  • US/CA: 10 digits required
  • UK: Maximum 11 digits
  • Other: Maximum 15 digits
address Yes Business owner's home street address
Type: string
  • US: Maximum 40 characters
  • Other: Maximum 60 characters
city Yes Business owner's home address city
Type: string
  • US: Maximum 25 characters
  • Other: Maximum 60 characters
state Only if country is US or CA Business owner's home address state/province/county/region
Type: string
Limit: 2-letter code. (For US or CA, refer to State and Province Codes.)
zip Yes Business owner's home address zip or postal code
Type: string
  • US: Must be 5 or 9 digits
  • CA: Maximum 7 characters, only 1 space allowed
  • AU: Maximum 4 characters
  • UK: Maximum 8 characters, spaces allowed
  • EU/ROW: Maximum 15 characters, spaces allowed
country Yes Business owner's home address country
Type: string
Limit: 2-letter code
For Great Britain, Wales, or Scotland, use GB. For all other countries, refer to Country Codes.
companyRepFirstName Yes Company representative's first name
Type: string
  • US: Maximum 40
  • Other: Maximum 60
companyRepLastName Yes Company representative's last name
Type: string
  • US: Maximum 40
  • Other: Maximum 60
companyRepDateOfBirth Yes Company representative's date of birth.
Type: numeric with "/"
  • Must be in the format of MM/DD/YYYY
  • Maximum 10 characters
companyRepGovID Yes Company representative's government ID number
Type: numeric
  • No special characters
  • US: Last 4 digits of SSN, numbers only
  • Other: Maximum 50 characters
companyRepPhone Yes Company representative's personal phone number
Type: number
  • No spaces, dashes, or any other characters
  • US/CA: 10 digits required
  • UK: Maximum 11 digits
  • Other: Maximum 15 digits
companyRepAddress Yes Company representative's home street address
Type: string
  • US: Maximum 40
  • Other: Maximum 60
companyRepCity Yes Company representative's home address city
Type: string
  • US: Maximum 25
  • Other: Maximum 60
companyRepState Only if companyRepCountry is US or CA Company representative's home address state/province/county/region
Type: string
Limit: 2-letter code. (For US and CA, refer to State and Province Codes.)
companyRepZip Yes Company representative's home address zip or postal code
Type: string
  • US: Must be 5 or 9 digits
  • CA: Maximum 7 characters, only 1 space allowed
  • AU: Maximum 4 characters
  • UK: Maximum 8 characters, spaces allowed
  • EU/ROW: Maximum 15 characters, spaces allowed
companyRepCountry Yes Company representative's home address country
Type: string
Limit: 2-letter code
For Great Britain, Wales, or Scotland, use GB. For all other countries, refer to Country Codes.
serviceAgreementDate Yes

Date the merchant signed the merchant service agreement.

You must present the merchant with a link to the BlueSnap Merchant Agreement (available here) and the merchant must sign it before they begin using BlueSnap.

Type: string
Must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY

pricingAgreementDate Yes

Date the merchant signed the pricing agreement.

You must present the merchant with a link to the BlueSnap Pricing Agreement and the merchant must sign it before they begin using BlueSnap.

Type: string
Must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY

merchantIp Yes Merchant's IP address
Type: string
Limit: Maximum 45 characters
Format: IPv4
IPv6 xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx

Create Merchant API Request examples

Here are some examples.
Note: Before using Test mode, review the Customer Onboarding steps.

curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
  "approvalTesting": "APPROVED",
  "businessInfo": {
    "businessTradingName": "My Business",
    "legalName": "Business LLC",
    "productAndServiceDesc": "Provide a detailed description of your product or service.",
    "phone": "5555555555",
    "website": "",
    "businessType": "Public Company",
    "businessCategory": "Software",
    "country": "Australia",
    "address": "1234 Main Street",
    "suburb": "Austral",
    "zip": "1111",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "accountUsername": "MerchantUsername7709",
    "salesVolume": "100000",
    "businessRegistrationNumber": "BR123456",
    "acnOrAbn": "770770770"
  "bankingInfo": {
    "bsb": "084100",
    "accountNumber": "123456789",
    "minimalPayoutAmount": "100",
    "refundReserve": "100"
  "ownershipInfoArr": [
      "ownerFirstName": "Chris",
      "ownerLastName": "Jones",
      "ownerDateOfBirth": "01/01/2000",
      "ownerGovID": "1111",
      "ownerPhone": "1555123456",
      "address": "1234 Main Street",
      "city": "Waltham",
      "state": "FL",
      "zip": "02453",
      "country": "US"
      "ownerFirstName": "Jamie",
      "ownerLastName": "Doe",
      "ownerDateOfBirth": "02/01/2000",
      "ownerGovID": "2222",
      "ownerPhone": "1555123456",
      "address": "200 Broadway",
      "city": "Happy",
      "state": "FL",
      "zip": "12345",
      "country": "US"
  "companyRep": {
    "companyRepFirstName": "Jesse",
    "companyRepLastName": "Smith",
    "companyRepDateOfBirth": "12/13/1967",
    "companyRepGovID": "1234",
    "companyRepAddress": "123 South Street",
    "companyRepCity": "Happy",
    "companyRepState": "FL",
    "companyRepZip": "12345",
    "companyRepCountry": "US",
    "companyRepPhone": "1555123456"
  "merchantAgreementsSign": {
    "serviceAgreementDate": "01/01/2019",
    "pricingAgreementDate": "01/01/2019",
    "merchantIp": ""
curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
  "businessInfo": {
    "businessName": "My Business",
    "legalName": "Business LLC",
    "productAndServiceDesc": "Provide a detailed description of your product or service.",
    "phone": "5555555555",
    "website": "",
    "businessType": "Public Corporation ",
    "businessCategory": "Software",
    "taxId": "77-0770770",
    "zip": "1111",
    "country": "Australia",
    "address": "1234 Main Street",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "accountUsername": "MerchantUsername7709",
    "salesVolume": "100000",
    "businessRegistrationNumber": "BR123456",
    "businessTradingName": "My Business",
    "acnOrAbn": "1",
    "suburb": "Austral"
  "bankingInfo": {
    "bsb": "084100",
    "accountNumber": "123456789",
    "minimalPayoutAmount": "100",
    "refundReserve": "100"
  "ownershipInfoArr": [
      "ownerFirstName": "Chris",
      "ownerLastName": "Jones",
      "ownerDateOfBirth": "01/01/2000",
      "ownerGovID": "1111",
      "ownerPhone": "1555123456",
      "address": "1234 Main Street",
      "city": "Waltham",
      "state": "FL",
      "zip": "02453",
      "country": "US"
      "ownerFirstName": "Jamie",
      "ownerLastName": "Doe",
      "ownerDateOfBirth": "02/01/2000",
      "ownerGovID": "2222",
      "ownerPhone": "1555123456",
      "address": "200 Broadway",
      "city": "Happy",
      "state": "FL",
      "zip": "12345",
      "country": "US"
  "companyRep": {
    "companyRepFirstName": "Jesse",
    "companyRepLastName": "Smith",
    "companyRepDateOfBirth": "12/13/1967",
    "companyRepGovID": "1234",
    "companyRepAddress": "123 South Street",
    "companyRepCity": "Happy",
    "companyRepState": "FL",
    "companyRepZip": "12345",
    "companyRepCountry": "US",
    "companyRepPhone": "1555123456"
  "merchantAgreementsSign": {
    "serviceAgreementDate": "01/01/2019",
    "pricingAgreementDate": "01/01/2019",
    "merchantIp": ""
curl -v -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
  "approvalTesting": "APPROVED",
  "pfToken": "5ad59e4389abba704ee2d61580d1d5cc1ba0ccf114470d404f771a198d99891b_"


If your request is successful, you receive a 200 OK response from BlueSnap. When our automated review is complete, you receive an IPN explaining the status of your merchant approval process.

"sandboxId": 1682291, 
"message": "success" 