Account Updater Errors

The following errors can be returned in response to an Account Updater request.

10000INVALID_API_VERSIONThe API version passed in the request is invalid.
10001VALIDATION_GENERAL_FAILUREThe resource passed in the request has violated validation rules. Additional information about the specific issue is provided in the error description.
11001XSS_EXCEPTIONUser input suspected as malicious.
20001BATCH_ID_REQUIREDaccount-update-batch-id is a mandatory field.
20001MANDATORY_PARAMETER_REQUIREDAccount Updater failure due to problematic input. {field-name} is mandatory. Fix account update element:#XXX, with merchant-updater-id:{merchant-updater-id}.
20002TOO_MANY_ACCOUNT_UPDATESRequest contains more than 2000 account updates in the batch.
20003BATCH_ID_ALREADY_EXISTSaccount-update-batch-id 'XXX' already exists.
20004ACQUIRING_ENTITY_UNAVAILABLEProcessor not available, please try again later.
20007BATCH_HAS_EXPIREDBatch has expired and can no longer be retrieved. Please send a new batch request.