Tax Quote Errors

The following errors can be returned in response to a Tax Quote request.

300EXTERNAL_TAX_SERVICE_ERRORTax calculation cannot be determined. Zip is not valid for the state. The provided address contains a postal code and state combination that is not valid.
300EXTERNAL_TAX_SERVICE_ERRORUnknown country name or code. [country code] is not a known country name or code.
13001CURRENCY_CODE_NOT_FOUNDCurrency Not Found: [currency code]
24011CURRENCY_CODE_NOT_FOUNDCurrency code is missing.
24019UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODEThe country code provided is not recognized. Please check and resubmit.
43003MISSING_MANDATORY_ARGUMENTMissing mandatory argument: [argument] which is required for tax calculation
43004REDUNDANT_ITEM_CODE_ELEMENTitem code element: [line item code] should not be redundant in the same request
43006UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENTelement: [argument] is unexpected in the request
43007MERCHANT_NOT_BOARDED_TO_TAX_SERVICEUser: [user] is not boarded to tax service
50106UNKNOWN_STATE_CODEThe state code provided is not recognized. Please check and resubmit.
-USER_NOT_AUTHORIZEDUser: [user] is not authorized to retrieve tax reference: [tax-reference-number]