lines (XML resource)

Contains the line-items details of the purchase


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
quantityintegerRequiredItem quantity being purchased.
tax-codestringOptionalTax code for the item being purchased.
If not provided, the value defaults to the code for tangible personal property (tpp).
descriptionstringOptionalLine item description.
amountdecimalRequired The total cost of the line items being purchased.
item-codestringRequiredUnique ID for the line item.


Property NameTypeDescription
quantityintegerItem quantity being purchased.
tax-codestringTax code for the item being purchased.
If not provided, the value defaults to the code for tangible personal property (tpp).
descriptionstringLine item description.
amountdecimalThe cost of the line item.
item-codestringUnique ID for the line item.
taxdecimalTax for the line item.