Embedded Checkout

Learn how to implement Embedded Checkout to capture credit card payments.
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We are no longer enhancing this solution. Check out these alternative BlueSnap solutions to find one that fits your needs: New Hosted Page, Secured Payment Collector or Hosted Payment Fields.

If you want the control and flexibility offered with BlueSnap's Payment API and easily add an optimized checkout flow, Embedded Checkout is your ideal solution. Using Embedded Checkout provides your shoppers with a simple checkout flow using BlueSnap-supported currencies and in multiple languages.

This solution uses a secure form called the "Embedded Payment Form," to capture and tokenize your shopper's payment data, so sensitive data never touches your environment. When your shopper completes their purchase, you include the token in the API request to complete the transaction.



  • Easy to implement
  • Securely capture payment information without your shoppers ever leaving your site
  • Shoppers can checkout on any device
  • Supports returning shoppers with auto-fill fields
  • Merchants can configure the number of data fields, colors, logo, and description to display on the form
  • Supports all BlueSnap-supported currencies
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Simplest level of PCI compliance: SAQ-A


For setup and usage instructions, see:

  Implementing Embedded Checkout

  Available languages

  Using the Embedded Checkout token to process payments

  Uploading an image

Implementing Embedded Checkout

Follow the steps below to implement Embedded Checkout.


Insert the domain for either Sandbox or Production

In all steps below, replace the BLUESNAPDOMAINPATH with the relevant domain for either the BlueSnap Sandbox or Production environment, as follows:

  • Sandbox: https://sandbox.bluesnap.com
  • Production: https://ws.bluesnap.com

For example, the Embedded Checkout token request (step 1) should be sent to https://sandbox.bluesnap.com/services/2/payment-fields-tokens on Sandbox and https://ws.bluesnap.com/services/2/payment-fields-tokens on Production.

1. Obtain the Embedded Checkout token for the session

Obtain the Embedded Checkout token by sending a server-to-server POST request to:


The response provides the token in the location header. For example:




  • The Embedded Checkout token expires after 60 minutes.
  • You need a BlueSnap account in order to generate an Embedded Checkout token. If you don't have an account yet, you can sign up for one here.

2. Add the BlueSnap JavaScript file to your checkout form

In your checkout form, call the BlueSnap Embedded Checkout JavaScript file by adding the following script:

<script type="text/javascript" src="BLUESNAPDOMAINPATH/web-sdk/4/bluesnap.js"></script>

3. Open the Embedded Checkout Form

After the script finishes loading, you can open the Embedded Payment Form. This is done in two steps:

  1. Set up the checkout form by calling:
    bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutSetup(jsonData, callbackFunction)
  2. Open the checkout form by calling:

Using two separate functions lets you set up the form and it's required resources before opening the form so the shopper does not have to wait for the form to open.



  • If the bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutOpen function is called before the bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutSetup function, an error is displayed.
  • If the bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutOpen function is called before the bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutSetup function has completed, the shopper sees a loading indicator.


Best Practice

Call the bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutSetup function when creating the token at the start of the page.
Then call the bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutOpen function only when the shopper clicks BUY.

The bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutSetup function has two arguments (jsonData and callbackFunction):

  • callbackFunction: This argument is a callback function that is called immediately after the shopper clicks the last button ("BUY").

  • jsonData: This JSON object lets you customize your form. It uses the following settings:

tokenRequiredToken created by the API service
3DSOptionalDetermines whether to apply 3DS integration.

Note: The default is false.
amountOptionalAmount that displays in the dark blue button at the bottom of the form

Note: This value must be a number.
billingDetailsOptionalDetermines whether the billing details display (uses true or false):

If true, the form includes the inputted billing details: Country, State, City, Address
If false, the form does not include the inputted billing details

Note: The default is false.
buttonLabelOptionalText that displays in the dark blue button at the bottom of the form

Note: The default is "Pay."
currencyOptionalCurrency symbol that displays in the dark blue button at the bottom of the form

Note: The default currency is U.S. dollars ("USD").
descriptionOptionalDescription that displays below the title
imgOptionalRelative URL path to the image uploaded to BlueSnap

Note: See Uploading an image for more information.
includeEmailOptionalDetermines whether the email address displays (uses true or false):

If true, the form includes the email address
If false, the form does not include the email address

Note: The default is false.
languageOptionalEmbedded Payment Form's locale

Note: See Available languages for more information. The default language is English ("EN").
shopperDataOptionalRepresents the shopper's information and automatically fills in the following Embedded Checkout Form's fields:

titleOptionalTitle on the checkout form



You cannot change the font in the Embedded Payment Form.

At this stage, you should use the HOSTEDFIELDTOKENID to complete the transaction via an API call from your server transaction API. The callback function’s argument contains the result of the checkout form in the following format:

{ "status": "STATUS", "code": "CODE", "info": { // if an error or warning occurred "errors": ["some_error"], "warnings": ["some_warning"] }, "cardData": { "binCategory": "CONSUMER", "ccBin": "400000", "cardSubType": "CREDIT", "ccType": "VISA", "isRegulatedCard": "N", "issuingCountry": "us", "last4Digits": "1000" }, "threeDSecure": { // if 3DS parameter was true "authResult": "AUTH_STATUS", // example: "AUTHENTICATION_SUCCEEDED" "threeDSecureReferenceId": "REFERENCE_ID" } }

The parameters are:

statusResult of the call. Possible values:
Invalid Data — There is a problem with the jsonData provided from the merchant.
Inner Error — There is a problem with the eCheckout.
Server Error — The BlueSnap server encountered a problem.
codeResult code. Possible values:
1 — For Success
10 — For Invalid Data that prevents the
eCheckout form from opening. For example: Invalid currency.
15 — For Invalid Data that does not prevent the eCheckout form from opening. For example: If the provided language is invalid, the form opens in English.
20 – For Inner Error
* Other codes are the standard HTTP codes.
infoProvides the following information:

Note: The info is not included if there are no errors or warnings.
cardDataProvides the following information:
threeDSecureProvides the following information:

4. Close the BlueSnap Embedded Payment Form

The Embedded Payment Form does not close until bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutClose(); is executed. We recommend calling this function only once the transaction finishes. Refer to the example below.

var jsonData = { token: "HOSTEDFIELDTOKENID" title: "BlueSnap Example" description: "This is description for example..." img: "/developers/571747/download.jpg" amount: "150" currency: "EUR" buttonLabel: "Click to buy" billingDetails: true includeEmail: true language: "EN" shopperData: { firstname: "Someone", lastname: "JustExample" } } bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutSetup(jsonData, function (eCheckoutResult) { if (eCheckoutResult.code == 1) { // On Success // Your code here... // This where you need to process the payment via an API request from your server } else { // On Error (code=10 - invalid jsonData, any other codes are errors, on error if(eCheckoutResult.info){ var errors = eCheckoutResult.info.errors; // will be undefined if no errors have occurred var warnings = eCheckoutResult.info.warnings; // will be undefined if no warnings have occurred } } bluesnap.embeddedCheckoutClose(); }

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Available languages

The following languages are available for display in the Embedded Payment Form.

ENEnglish (default language)

You can set the language using the language parameter; for example, language: "EN" sets the language as English in the following JSON example.

var jsonData = { token: "HOSTEDFIELDTOKENID" title: "BlueSnap Example" description: "This is description for example..." img: "/developers/571747/download.jpg" amount: "150" currency: "EUR" buttonLabel: "Click to buy" billingDetails: true includeEmail: true language: "EN" shopperData: { firstname: "Someone", lastname: "JustExample" } }

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Using the Embedded Checkout token to process payments

Once the callback function triggers, you can then process payments by including the Embedded Checkout token in your API requests. This must be done from your server and requires using your API Credentials.

For more information, refer to Completing Tokenized Payments.

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Uploading an image

  1. In the BlueSnap Merchant Console, go to Settings > General Settings.
  2. Under Account Settings, click My Images.
  3. Click Choose File, select the image you want to upload, then click Upload.
  4. As mentioned above, after the file uploads you should provide the relative path of the file; for example:
  • File URL: https://sandbox.bluesnap.com/developers/571747/download.jpg
  • Relative Path: /developers/571747/download.jpg



We recommend an image of no larger than 50px by 50px to properly display inside the square. If your image is larger, we automatically resize it to fit.

If you need further assistance, contact Merchant Support.

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