
Contains wallet information for Apple Pay


Property NameTypeDescription
bin-categorystringIndicates whether the card is used for business expenses (Commercial) or personal expenses (Consumer).
card-categorystringCard category, such as business or prepaid.
Appears only if relevant.
card-last-four-digitsstringLast four digits of the credit card.
card-regulatedstringIndicates whether the card is regulated.

card-sub-typestringCredit card sub-type, such as Credit or Debit.
card-typestringCredit card type.
dpan-binstringThe Bank Identification Number (BIN) of the device primary account number.
dpan-expiration-monthstringExpiration month of the device account number.
dpan-expiration-yearstringExpiration year of the device account number.
dpan-last-four-digitsstringLast four digits of device account number.
issuing-bankstringThe bank that issued the shopper's card.
issuing-country-codestringCountry code of the shopper's issuing bank.