
Contains information about the vaulted shopper


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
addressstringOptionalShopper's address line 1.
Maximum 100 characters.
address2stringOptionalShopper's address line 2.
Maximum 100 characters.
citystringOptionalShopper's city.
Between 2-42 characters.
company-namestringRequired for Corporate ECP accounts.Shopper's company name. Maximum 100 characters.
countrystringOptionalShopper's country code.
See Country codes
descriptor-phone-numberstringOptional; Relevant if sending a credit card numberMerchant's support phone number that may appear on the shopper's bank statement when BlueSnap validates the card. Maximum 20 characters.
emailstringOptionalShopper's email address.
first-namestringRequiredShopper's first name.
Maximum 100 characters.
For ACH/ECP, the limit is 25 characters.
last-namestringRequiredShopper's last name.
Maximum 100 characters.
For ACH/ECP, the limit is 25 characters.
merchant-shopper-idstringOptionalA merchant's ID for a specific shopper, up to 50 characters.
payment-sourcescontainerOptionalContainer of payment-sources properties.
personal-identification-numberstringRequired for local LatAm processing in BrazilThe shopper's local personal identification number. These are the ID types per country:
- Argentina: DNI (length 7-11 chars)
- Brazil: CPF/CNPJ (length 11-14 chras)
- Chile: RUN (length 8-9 chars)
- Mexico: CURP/RFC (length 10-18 chars)
phonestringOptionalShopper's phone number.
Between 2-36 characters.
Accepts numbers, letters, and these characters: + . * # / \\ ( ) -
shipping-contact-infocontainerOptionalContainer of shipping-contact-info properties.
shopper-currencystringOptionalShopper's currency. See Currency codes.
soft-descriptorstringOptional; Relevant if sending a credit card numberDescription that may appear on the shopper's bank statement when BlueSnap validates the card. Maximum 20 characters.
statestringOptionalShopper's state code.
See State and province codes
Supports US and Canada states only. For states in other countries, it is necessary to include the state within the address  property.
transaction-fraud-infocontainerOptionalContainer of transaction-fraud-info
wallet-idcontainerOptionalID of the wallet, obtained via the Create Wallet request.

Note: Applicable for Visa Checkout.
zipstringOptionalShopper's ZIP code. Maximum 20 characters.


Property NameTypeDescription
addressstringShopper's address line 1.
Maximum 100 characters.
address2stringShopper's address line 2.
Maximum 100 characters.
chosen-payment-methodcontainerContainer of chosen-payment-method properties.
company-namestringShopper's company name
countrystringShopper's country code.
See Country codes
date-createdstringThe date the vaulted shopper was created.
descriptor-phone-numberstringMerchant's support phone number that may appear on the shopper's bank statement when BlueSnap validates the card.
emailstringShopper's email address.
first-namestringShopper's first name.
Maximum 100 characters.
fraud-result-infocontainerContainer of fraud-result-info properties.
last-namestringShopper's last name.
Maximum 100 characters.
last-payment-infocontainerContainer of last-payment-info properties.
merchant-shopper-idstringA merchant's ID for a specific shopper, up to 50 characters.
payment-sourcescontainerContainer of payment-sources properties.
personal-identification-numberstringThe shopper's local personal identification number. These are the ID types per country:
- Argentina: DNI (length 7-11 chars)
- Brazil: CPF/CNPJ (length 11-14 chras)
- Chile: RUN (length 8-9 chars)
- Mexico: CURP/RFC (length 10-18 chars)
phonestringShopper's phone number.
Between 2-36 characters.
shipping-contact-infocontainerContainer of shipping-contact-info properties.
shopper-currencystringShopper's currency. See Currency codes.
soft-descriptorstringDescription that may appear on the shopper's bank statement when BlueSnap validates the card.
statestringShopper's state code.
See State and province codes
three-d-securecontainerContainer of three-d-secure properties.
time-createdstringThe time (PST) the vaulted shopper was created.
vaulted-shopper-idintegerID of an existing vaulted shopper.
zipstringShopper's ZIP code.