Batch Transaction Errors

The following errors can be returned in response to a Batch Transaction request.


Format of batch transaction errors

Some batch transaction errors are formatted differently from other error types. They include the processing-info element, which contains the processing-status, processing-error-code, processing-error-name, and processing-error-description elements. For details, see the sample error below.

0UNEXPECTED_ERRORAn unexpected error has occurred.
2MISSING_CALLBACK_URLcallback-url element is required
3MISSING_BATCH_IDbatch-id element is required
4DUPLICATE_BATCH_IDBatch ID already exists
6MISSING_MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_IDmerchant-transaction-id element is required for card transactions
101INVALID_BATCH_IDInvalid batchId
10000INVALID_API_VERSIONThe API version passed in the request is invalid.
10001VALIDATION_GENERAL_FAILUREThe resource passed in the request has violated validation rules. Additional information about the specific issue is provided in the error description.
11001XSS_EXCEPTIONUser input suspected as malicious.
20011TRANSACTION_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWEDOnly AUTH_CAPTURE card transactions, ECP or recurring PayPal payments are allowed in Batch
80002BATCH_PROCESSING_IN_PROGRESSThe processing of this batch is not yet complete. Try again later.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<batch-transaction xmlns="">
        <processing-error-description>Batch ID already exists</processing-error-description>