
Array of objects that contain billing and bank information for Pay by Bank (Open Banking) transfers.


Beta Feature

Pay by Bank is currently in beta and not suitable for production environments.


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
billing-contact-infoObjectOptionalbilling-contact-info object.
pay-by-bankObjectRequiredpay-by-bank object.
statusStringOptionalSend "D" to delete the IBAN account sent in the payByBank object.


Property NameTypeDescription
billing-contact-infoobjectbilling-contact-info object.
date-createdstringDate that the pay-by-bank-info object was created, in MM/DD/YYYY format.
date-modifiedstringDate that the pay-by-bank-info object was updated, in MM/DD/YYYY format.
pay-by-bankobjectpay-by-bank object.
time-createdstringLocal time that the pay-by-bank-info object was created, in HH:MM:SS format.
time-modifiedstringLocal time that the pay-by-bank-info object was updated, in HH:MM:SS format.