
Contains information required to process a Pay by Bank (Open Banking) payment.


Beta Feature

Pay by Bank is currently in beta and not suitable for production environments.


Property nameTypeRequiredDescription
cancel-urlstringrequiredURL where you redirect the shopper after they cancel the payment in their online banking portal.
ibanstringrequiredInternational Banking Account Number.
iban-first-fourstringrequiredFirst four digits of an International Banking Account Number (IBAN).
iban-last-fourstringrequiredLast four digits of an IBAN.
return-urlstringrequiredURL where you redirect the shopper after they authorize payment in their online banking portal.


Property NameTypeDescription
iban-first-fourstringFirst four digits of the IBAN used in the transaction.
iban-last-fourstringLast four digits of the IBAN used in the transaction.
pay-by-bank-urlstringURL that redirects the shopper to their banking portal where they can authenticate to their account and authorize payment. Each pay-by-bank-url contains a unique hosted page ID that is associated to the current transaction.