
Contains the details for a specific credit card, along with billling information


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
creditCardcontainerRequired if sending credit card data.

Note: Do not include, if using Hosted Payment Fields.
Container of creditCard properties.
billingContactInfocontainerOptionalContainer of billingContactInfo properties.
pfTokenstringRequired if using Hosted Payment Fields.

Note: Do not include credit-card resource, if using this token.
Hosted Payment Fields token.
statusstringOptionalEnter D to delete the card from the shopper.

Note: Specify the card to be deleted by including card-type and card-last-four-digits within credit-card.


Property NameTypeDescription
creditCardcontainerContainer of creditCard properties.
billingContactInfocontainerContainer of billingContactInfo properties.
dateCreatedstringThe date the payment method was saved to the vaulted shopper.
dateModifiedstringThe date the payment method was modified.
timeCreatedstringThe time (PST) the payment method was saved to the vaulted shopper.
timeModifiedstringThe time (PST) the payment method was modified.