
Contains information about a shopper who is paying with an alternative payment method.


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
addressstringOptionalPayer's address line 1.
Maximum 100 characters.
address2stringOptionalPayer's address line 2.
Maximum 100 characters.
citystringOptionalPayer's city.
2–42 characters.
companyNamestringOptionalShopper's company name.
Maximum 50 characters.

Note: Required if payment type is ECP and accountType is:
countrystringRequired for the following requests:

- Create LBT Transaction
- Create Sofort Transaction
- Create Pay by Bank Transaction

Otherwise, this is optional.
Payer's country code.
See Country codes.

For iDEAL transactions, the default value is nl.
emailstringOptionalPayer's email address.
3–100 characters.
firstNamestringRequiredPayer's first name.
Maximum 100 characters.
For ACH/ECP, the limit is 25 characters.

Note: If you would like to enter a company name instead, provide it in both firstName and lastName fields, or split the name up between them if possible.
lastNamestringRequiredPayer's last name.
Maximum 100 characters.
For ACH/ECP, the limit is 25 characters.

Note: If you would like to enter a company name instead, provide it in both firstName and lastName fields, or split the name up between them if possible.
merchantShopperIdstringOptionalA merchant's ID for a specific shopper.
Maximum 50 characters.
personalIdentificationNumberstringRequired for local LatAm processing in BrazilThe shopper's local personal identification number. These are the ID types per country

Argentina: DNI (7–11 char)
Brazil: CPF/CNPJ (11–14 char)
Chile: RUN (8–9 char)
Mexico: CURP/RFC (10–18 char)
phonestringOptionalPayer's phone number.
2–36 characters.
Accepts numbers, letters, and these characters: + . * # / \ ( ) -
statestringOptionalPayer's state code.
See State and province codes
Supports US and Canada states only. For states in other countries, you must include the state within the address property.
zipstringOptionalPayer's ZIP code.
Maximum 20 characters.


Property NameTypeDescription
addressstringPayer's address line 1.
address2stringPayer's address line 2.
citystringPayer's city.
countrystringPayer's country code.
See Country codes
emailstringPayer's email address.
firstName  string  Payer's first name.
lastNamestringPayer's last name.
personalIdentificationNumberstringThe shopper's local personal identification number.
These are the ID types per country:

Argentina: DNI
Brazil: CPF/CNPJ
Chile: RUN
Mexico: CURP/RFC
phonestringPayer's phone number.
statestringPayer's state code.
See State and province codes
zipstringPayer's ZIP code.