put https://sandbox.bluesnap.com/services/2/recurring/plans/
The Update Plan request enables you to change any of the following settings for an existing plan:
- Plan name
- Plan status (ACTIVE/INACTIVE)
- Initial charge amount
- Number of days in the trial period
- Charge on switch setting
- Grace period
- Maximum number of charges
- The recurring charge amount, currency and frequency cannot be modified. However, they must be included in the request and contain the same values as the existing plan. Therefore you may wish to first retrieve the plan and then modify the retrieved plan values.
- Trials and initial charges cannot be added to existing plans. If a trial or initial charge already exists in the plan, its values can be modified.
For more information about working with subscriptions, see the Subscriptions tutorial.
Request Content
Send a plan object, with the following:
Property | Type | Required |
chargeFrequency | string | required |
chargeOnPlanSwitch | boolean | optional |
currency | string | required |
gracePeriodDays | integer | optional |
initialChargeAmount | decimal | optional |
maxNumberOfCharges | integer | optional |
name | string | required |
recurringChargeAmount | decimal | required |
status | string | optional |
trialPeriodDays | integer | optional |
Response Details
If successful, the response HTTP status code is 200 OK.
The response contains the plan object.
Request Examples
curl -v -X PUT https://sandbox.bluesnap.com/services/2/recurring/plans/2111111 \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
"chargeFrequency": "MONTHLY",
"trialPeriodDays": 7,
"initialChargeAmount": 30,
"name": "Gold Plan",
"currency": "USD",
"recurringChargeAmount": 19
Response Examples
"chargeFrequency": "MONTHLY",
"gracePeriodDays": 10,
"trialPeriodDays": 7,
"initialChargeAmount": 30,
"name": "Gold Plan",
"planId": 3068869,
"currency": "USD",
"maxNumberOfCharges": 12,
"recurringChargeAmount": 19,
"chargeOnPlanSwitch": true,
"status": "ACTIVE"
API Explorer
- The recurring charge amount, currency and frequency cannot be modified. However, they must be included in the request and contain the same values as the existing plan. Therefore you may wish to first retrieve the plan and then modify the retrieved plan values.
- Trials and initial charges cannot be added to existing plans. If a trial or initial charge already exists in the plan, its values can be modified.