Card Transaction Errors

The following errors can be returned in response to a Card Transaction request. For details on how to address the error, refer to the Action column.

7INVALID_TRANSACTION_TYPETransaction type is invalid.
Note: HTTP status is 403 Forbidden
Retry after validating request. If issue persists, contact BlueSnap Support.
30MISSING_SHOPPER_OR_CARD_HOLDERNo card holder or vaulted shopper IDRetry with card holder info or vaulted shopper ID.
85INVALID_HTTP_METHODCAPTURE transactions should be sent using an HTTP PUT methodRetry with HTTP PUT method.
90MISSING_CARD_TYPEcardType element is requiredRetry with the cardType element
10000INVALID_API_VERSIONThe API version passed in the request is invalid.Retry with correct API version.
10000PAYMENT_GENERAL_FAILUREA general payment failure has occurred.Retry. If issue persists, contact BlueSnap Support.
10001VALIDATION_GENERAL_FAILUREThe resource passed in the request has violated validation rules. Additional information about the specific issue is provided in the error description.Retry with correct resource.
10001INVALID_MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_IDMerchant-transaction-id should be up to 50 charactersRetry with correct merchant transaction ID.
10001INVALID_RECURRING_TRANSACTIONrecurring-transaction element is missing or invalidRetry with recurring transaction element.
10001MERCHANT_CONFIGURATION_ERRORMerchant Configuration ErrorContact BlueSnap Support.
10001MISSING_CARD_TYPEcard-type element is requiredRetry with card type element.
11001XSS_EXCEPTIONUser input suspected as malicious.Do not retry.
14002THREE_D_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDSoft Decline due to no 3D Secure Authentication.Retry with 3D Secure Authentication.

Note: You may also implement Strong Customer Authentication (shopper challenge) here
14002ACCOUNT_CLOSEDPayment processing failure because account is closed.Do not retry.
14002AUTHORIZATION_AMOUNT_ALREADY_REVERSEDPayment processing failure because the authorization has already been reversed.Do not retry.
14002AUTHORIZATION_AMOUNT_NOT_VALIDPayment processing failure due to invalid amount for this transaction.Retry with correct amount. If issue persists, decline the transaction.
14002AUTHORIZATION_EXPIREDPayment processing failure because the authorization has expired.Do not retry.
14002AUTHORIZATION_REVOKEDAuthorization has been revoked for recurring transaction.Do not retry.
14002AUTHORIZATION_NOT_FOUNDPayment processing failure because the authorization was not found.Do not retry.
14002BLS_CONNECTION_PROBLEMYour payment request could not be successfully completed.Do not retry.
14002CALL_ISSUERPayment processing failure due to an unspecified error. Please contact the issuing bank.Do not retry this card.
14002CARD_LOST_OR_STOLENThe card is lost or stolen.Retry with a different card or decline the transaction.

Do not retry this card.
14002CVV_ERRORPayment processing failure due to CVV error.Retry with correct CVV code.
14002DO_NOT_HONORPayment processing failure due to issuing bank decline.Retry with different payment method or retry again in 24 hours.
14002EXPIRED_CARDPayment processing failure due to expired card.Retry with correct expiration date. If issue persists, retry with different payment method or decline the transaction.

Do not retry this card.
14002GENERAL_PAYMENT_PROCESSING_ERRORPayment processing failure due to an unspecified error. Description will contain the error code and message sent by the processor, if applicable.Retry. If issue persists, contact BlueSnap Support.
14002HIGH_RISK_ERRORPayment processing failure due to high risk.Retry with a different payment method or retry in 24 hours.
14002INCORRECT_INFORMATIONPayment processing failure due to incorrect information.

Description will contain additional information about the specific error.
Do not retry.
14002INCORRECT_SETUPPayment processing failure due to incorrect setup.Contact BlueSnap Support.
14002INSUFFICIENT_FUNDSPayment processing failure due to insufficient funds.Retry with different payment method, retry later, or decline the transaction.
14002INVALID_AMOUNTPayment processing failure due to invalid amount for this transaction.Retry with correct amount. If issue persists, decline the transaction.
14002INVALID_CARD_NUMBERPayment processing failure due to invalid card number.Retry with correct card number. If issue persists, retry with different payment method or decline the transaction.

Do not retry this card.
14002INVALID_CARD_TYPEPayment processing failure due to invalid card type.Retry with correct card number or different payment method, or decline the transaction.
14002INVALID_PIN_OR_PW_OR_ID_ERRORPayment processing failure due to invalid PIN, password, or ID error.Retry with correct PIN, password, or ID. If issue persists, contact BlueSnap Support.
14002INVALID_TRANSACTIONPayment processing failure because this transaction is not allowed by the issuer.Do not retry.
14002LIMIT_EXCEEDEDPayment processing failure because card limit was exceeded.Retry with different payment method, retry later, or decline the transaction.
14002NEW_ACCOUNT_INFORMATION_AVAILABLEPayment processing failure because account is no longer active.Retry with a different card.
14002PICKUP_CARDPayment processing failure. The card has been reported lost or stolen and should be removed from use.Do not retry.
14002PROCESSING_AMOUNT_ERRORPayment processing failure due to invalid amount for this transaction.Retry with correct amount. If issue persists, decline the transaction.
14002PROCESSING_DUPLICATEPayment processing failure due to duplication. The transaction is a duplicate of a previously submitted transaction.Do not retry.
14002PROCESSING_GENERAL_DECLINEPayment processing failure due to an unspecified error returned.Retry. If issue persists, contact the issuing bank or decline the transaction.
14002PROCESSING_TIMEOUTPayment processing failure due to timeout.Retry. If issue persists, contact BlueSnap Support.
14002PROCESSING_TRANSACTION_NOT_AUTHORIZEDPayment processing failure because the transaction is unauthorized.Do not retry.
14002REFUND_FAILEDA general payment failure has occurred for this refund.Retry. If issue persists, contact BlueSnap Support.
14002RESTRICTED_CARDPayment processing failure due to restricted card.Do not retry.
14002STRONG_CUSTOMER_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREDSoft Decline due to no Strong Customer Authentication (shopper challenge)Retry with 3D Secure and Strong Customer Authentication (shopper challenge)
14002SYSTEM_TECHNICAL_ERRORPayment processing failure due to problematic transaction.Do not retry.
14002THE_ISSUER_IS_UNAVAILABLE_OR_OFFLINEPayment processing failure because the issuer is unavailable or offline.Retry.
14002THREE_D_SECURE_FAILUREPayment processing failure due to 3D secure failure.Do not retry.
14011PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTEDPayment processing failure because the attempted operation is not supported for this payment method.Do not retry.
14016NO_AVAILABLE_PROCESSORSThere are no available processors for the specific request.Contact BlueSnap Support.
15008SHOPPER_NOT_FOUNDThe Shopper ID passed in the request was not found.Retry with correct vaulted shopper ID.
15012SHOPPER_COUNTRY_OFAC_SANCTIONEDOne of the shopper's countries was defined as OFAC sanctioned.Do not retry.
16003MULTIPLE_PAYMENT_METHODS_NON_SELECTEDShopper has multiple payment methods, but none is selected.Retry with specified payment method.
16006PAYMENT_METHOD_LIMIT_REACHEDShopper has reached limit on adding new payment methods.
20002MULTIPLE_TRANSACTIONS_FOUNDTransaction retrieval service failure. Multiple transactions found with merchant transaction ID: ${merchantTransactionId}.Retry with correct merchant transaction ID. If issue persists, contact BlueSnap Support.
20003TRANSACTION_LOCKEDTransaction ${transactionType} failed. Transaction locked.Contact BlueSnap Support.
20004TRANSACTION_PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTEDPayment method is not supported.Retry with different payment method or decline the transaction.
20005TRANSACTION_NOT_AUTHORIZEDTransaction is not authorized.Retry Auth request with correct details.
20006TRANSACTION_ALREADY_EXISTSTransaction AUTH_REVERSAL FAILED. Transaction already exists.Do not retry.
20007TRANSACTION_EXPIREDTransaction has expired.Do not retry. Create new transaction request.
20008TRANSACTION_ID_REQUIREDTransaction ID is required.Retry with transaction ID.
20009INVALID_TRANSACTION_IDTransaction ID is invalid.Retry with correct transaction ID.
20010TRANSACTION_ALREADY_CAPTUREDTransaction was already captured.Do not retry.
20017TRANSACTION_CARD_NOT_VALIDTransaction CAPTURE failed. Card is no longer valid.Retry with different card information.
20031MISSING_RELEVANT_METHOD_FOR_SHOPPERShopper has no relevant saved payment method.

For example, CC.
Update the vaulted shopper with a relevant payment method.


Include the payment method in the Auth Only or Auth Capture request.
20036CREDIT_CARD_DETAILS_PLAIN_AND_ENCRYPTEDShopper credit card cannot contain both plain and encrypted details.Retry with correct details.
20036CREDIT_CARD_ENCRYPTED_NUMBER_REQUIREDEncrypted Field 'Encrypted Card Number' is required.Retry with encrypted card number.
20036CREDIT_CARD_ENCRYPTED_SECURITY_CODE_REQUIREDEncrypted Field 'Encrypted Security Code' is required.Retry with encrypted security code.
24012USER_NOT_AUTHORIZEDUser is not authorized to perform the requested action
43008EXTERNAL_TAX_SERVICE_MISMATCH_CURRENCYThe given currency must match the original tax quote currency.Retry the transaction with the same currency as the tax quote.


Create a new tax quote with the desired currency and retry the transaction.
43009EXTERNAL_TAX_SERVICE_UNEXPECTED_TOTAL_PAYMENTThe given total payment must match the original total calculated in the given tax quote reference.Retry with the correct amount.
43010EXTERNAL_TAX_SERVICE_TAX_REFERENCE_ALREADY_USEDThe given tax reference was already in use.

For example: the tax quote was not created by merchant trying to use it, the tax quote is expired, or the tax quote is non-existent.
Create a new tax quote and retry the transaction.