Retrieve All Vendors

The Retrieve All Vendors request retrieves all your vendors and their saved details.

Request Content

Enter any of the query parameters below into the request URL. For example:

Query Parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionExample
afterVendor ID. The response will get the page of results after the specified ID (exclusive).after=34567
beforeVendor ID. The response will get the page of results before the specified ID (exclusive).before=12345
gettotaltrue = Include the number of total results in the responsegettotal=true
pagesizePositive integer. Sets the maximum number of results to return (i.e. page size).
Default is 10 if not set.
Maximum is 500.

Response Details

If successful, the response HTTP status code is 200 OK.
The response contains the vendors object.


Request Examples

curl -v -X GET
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='

Response Examples

  "totalResults": 746,
  "lastPage": false,
  "vendor": [
      "vendorId": 10415692,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "name": "Important Vendor",
      "vendorUrl": "",
      "firstName": "Joe",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "address": "123 Main Street",
      "city": "testing city",
      "zip": "02453",
      "country": "us",
      "phone": "1-054-976-6778",
      "state": "MA",
      "defaultPayoutCurrency": "USD",
      "frequency": "MONTHLY",
      "delay": 14,
      "vendorPrincipal": {
        "firstName": "Joe",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "address": "123 Main Street",
        "city": "Juneau",
        "zip": "02453",
        "country": "US",
        "dob": "28-09-9999",
        "personalIdentificationNumber": "1234",
        "driverLicenseNumber": "561196411",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "payoutInfo": [
          "payoutType": "WIRE",
          "baseCurrency": "USD",
          "nameOnAccount": "vendor",
          "bankAccountClass": "PERSONAL",
          "bankAccountType": "CHECKING",
          "bankName": "Leumi",
          "bankId": "02453",
          "country": "us",
          "city": "Portland",
          "address": "1 bank address",
          "state": "MA",
          "zip": "12345",
          "bankAccountId": "36628822",
          "intermediaryBankInfo": {}
      "vendorAgreement": {
        "commissionPercent": 20,
        "accountStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "recurringCommission": "Y"
      "verification": {
        "payoutStatus": "Approved",
        "processingStatus": "Active"
      "vendorId": 10409208,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "name": "Important Vendor",
      "firstName": "Joe",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "address": "123 Main Street",
      "city": "Juneau",
      "zip": "02453",
      "country": "us",
      "phone": "0549766778",
      "state": "MA",
      "taxId": "123456789",
      "defaultPayoutCurrency": "USD",
      "frequency": "MONTHLY",
      "delay": 14,
      "vendorPrincipal": {
        "firstName": "Joe",
        "lastName": "Smith",
        "address": "123 Main Street",
        "city": "Juneau",
        "zip": "02453",
        "country": "US",
        "dob": "28-09-9999",
        "personalIdentificationNumber": "1234",
        "driverLicenseNumber": "561196411",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "payoutInfo": [
          "payoutType": "ACH",
          "baseCurrency": "USD",
          "minimalPayoutAmount": "50",
          "nameOnAccount": "vendor",
          "bankAccountClass": "PERSONAL",
          "bankAccountType": "CHECKING",
          "bankName": "Leumi",
          "bankId": "124456789",
          "country": "us",
          "city": "Juneau",
          "address": "1 bank address",
          "state": "MA",
          "zip": "02453",
          "bankAccountId": "366288322",
          "intermediaryBankInfo": {}
      "vendorAgreement": {
        "commissionPercent": 30,
        "accountStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "recurringCommission": "Y"
      "verification": {
        "payoutStatus": "Approved",
        "processingStatus": "Active"

API Explorer

To test out a basic API request, click the "Try It!" button in the right-hand column to test using the default, pre-populated sample values. To test with your own values, edit the parameter fields below. You'll see them populate in the right-hand column and you can click the "Try It!" button to submit your test request and see a response.

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Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!