
Contains the information required to process an ECP/ACH transaction


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
accountNamestringRequiredName on bank account.
accountNumberstringRequiredAccount number. 4–17 digits.
agreementIdintegerRequiredIdentifier assigned to a mandate that the shopper has signed.
branchNamestringOptionalBranch at which the shopper carries out their banking needs.
bsbNumberstringRequired6-digit code that represents the bank, state, and branch location
financialInstitutionstringOptionalName of issuing bank.


Property NameTypeDescription
accountNamestringName on bank account.
agreementIdintegerIdentifier assigned to a mandate that the shopper has signed.
branchNamestringBranch at which the shopper carries out their banking needs.
bsbNumberstring6-digit code that represents the bank, state, and branch location
financialInstitutionstringName of issuing bank.
preNotificationRefstringThis includes the mandate email text and selected attributes related to the transaction that should be sent to the shopper.
publicAccountNumberstringLast 4 digits of the account number.
Note: In API v3.0, this replaces accountNumber.