
Contains information about a specific recurring subscription charge


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
amountdecimalCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Required for ACH/ECP and SEPA Direct Debit; optional otherwise

Create Merchant-Managed Subscription Charge:
Charge amount.
authorizedByShopperbooleanCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Required for ACH/ECP and SEPA Direct Debit
Value must be true.

Pass this parameter to indicate that you have obtained the shopper's permission to debit their account.
chargeInfoobjectCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription Charge:
Contains chargeInfo properties.
currencystringRequiredCurrency code (ISO 4217) of the amount to be charged. See Currency codes.
descriptorPhoneNumberstringCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Merchant's support phone number that will appear on the shopper's bank statement. Maximum 20 characters.
level3DataobjectOptionalContains level3Data properties.
merchantTransactionIdstringOptionalProvides merchant-specific transaction information. 1–50 characters. Special characters are not recommended.
payerInfoobjectCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Optional; do not include if sending vaultedShopperId
Contains payerInfo properties.
paymentSourceobjectCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Required for payerInfo; optional for vaultedShopperId
Contains paymentSource properties.
scheduledbooleanCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription Charge:
Value can be true or false.

Pass this parameter to identify that the transaction is a regularly scheduled event.
softDescriptorstringCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Description of the transaction, which appears on the shopper's bank statement. Maximum 20 characters.
threeDSecureobjectCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Contains threeDSecure properties.
transactionFraudInfoobjectCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Contains transactionFraudInfo properties.
transactionMetaDataobjectCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription
Create Merchant-Managed Subscription Charge:
Contains transactionMetaData properties.
transactionOrderSourcestringOptionalIdentifies the order type.
The only option is MOTO  (Mail Order Telephone Order).
Any other option is ignored.
vaultedShopperIdintegerCreate Merchant-Managed Subscription:
Optional; do not include if sending payerInfo
ID of an existing vaulted shopper.


Property NameTypeRequired
amountdecimalCharge amount.
chargeIdintegerBlueSnap identifier for the charge.
chargeInfoobjectSee chargeInfo.
currencystringCurrency code (ISO 4217) of the charge. See Currency codes.
fraudResultInfoobjectSee fraudResultInfo.
level3DataobjectSee level3Data.
merchantTransactionIdstringMerchant-specific transaction information.
paymentSourceobjectSee paymentSource.
planIdintegerBlueSnap identifier for the billing plan.
processingInfoobjectSee processingInfo.
refundsobjectSee refunds.
softDescriptorstringDescription of the transaction, which appears on the shopper's credit card statement.
subscriptionIdintegerBlueSnap identifier for the subscription.
threeDSecureobjectSee threeDSecure.
transactionDatestringDate (yyyy-mm-dd) of the transaction.

For example: "2017-07-21"
transactionIdintegerBlueSnap identifier for the transaction.
transactionMetaDataobjectSee transactionMetaData.
vaultedShopperIdintegerID of the vaulted shopper.