Marketplace Support
BlueSnap Marketplace is available only in the following locations:
- Israel
- United Kingdom and European Union, with proper approvals
For more information, speak with a payments expert.
The Update Vendor request enables you to change any of the following settings for an existing vendor:
- Vendor address
- Vendor email
- Vendor first and last name
- Vendor business name
- Vendor phone
- Vendor URL
- Vendor frequency and delay
- Vendor principal
- Vendor agreement
- Vendor payout information
Note: Modifying certain vendor properties may result in vendor payout suspension. Click here to learn more.
It is suggested that you first retrieve the vendor and then modify the desired property.
To be eligible for payout, make sure all necessary vendor information has been submitted to BlueSnap. To see the payout requirements, click here.
Send a test request
Go to API Explorer to send a test request to our sandbox environment and receive a response in real time.
Request Content
object required, contains the following properties (see vendor) :
Property | Type | Required |
address | string | optional |
city | string | optional |
country | string | required |
defaultPayoutCurrency | string | optional |
delay | integer | optional |
email | string | required |
firstName | string | optional |
frequency | string | optional |
lastName | string | optional |
name | string | optional |
payoutInfo | container | optional; (see payoutInfo) |
phone | string | optional |
state | string | required if payoutInfo included and country = US or CA. (See State and Province Codes) |
taxId | string | optional |
vatId | string | optional |
vendorAgreement | container | optional; (see vendorAgreement) |
vendorPrincipal | container | optional; (see vendorPrincipal) |
vendorUrl | string | optional |
zip | string | optional |
Response Details
If successful, the response HTTP status code is 204 No Content
Request Examples
curl -v -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Important Vendor",
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": "123 Main Street",
"city": "testing city",
"zip": "02453",
"country": "US",
"phone": "1-054-976-6778",
"state": "MA",
"taxId": 123456789,
"vendorUrl": "",
"ipnUrl": "",
"defaultPayoutCurrency": "USD",
"vendorPrincipal": {
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": "123 Main Street",
"city": "Juneau",
"zip": "02453",
"country": "US",
"dob": "28-09-9999",
"personalIdentificationNumber": 1234,
"driverLicenseNumber": "561196411",
"email": "[email protected]"
"payoutInfo": [
"payoutType": "ACH",
"baseCurrency": "USD",
"nameOnAccount": "vendor",
"bankAccountClass": "PERSONAL",
"bankAccountType": "CHECKING",
"bankName": "Leumi",
"bankId": "123456789",
"country": "US",
"city": "Portland",
"address": "1 bank address",
"state": "MA",
"zip": "02453",
"bankAccountId": "123456789",
"minimalPayoutAmount": 50,
"paymentReference": "Payment for vendor 1234",
"refundReserve": 200
"vendorAgreement": {
"commissionPercent": 20,
"accountStatus": "ACTIVE"
curl -v -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Important Vendor",
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": "123 Main Street",
"city": "testing city",
"zip": "02453",
"country": "US",
"phone": "1-054-976-6778",
"state": "MA",
"taxId": 123456789,
"ipnUrl": "",
"defaultPayoutCurrency": "USD",
"vendorPrincipal": {
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": "123 Main Street",
"city": "Juneau",
"zip": "02453",
"country": "US",
"dob": "28-09-9999",
"personalIdentificationNumber": 1234,
"driverLicenseNumber": "561196411",
"email": "[email protected]"
"payoutInfo": [
"payoutType": "ACH",
"baseCurrency": "USD",
"nameOnAccount": "vendor",
"bankAccountClass": "PERSONAL",
"bankAccountType": "CHECKING",
"bankName": "Leumi",
"bankId": "123456789",
"country": "US",
"city": "Portland",
"address": "1 bank address",
"state": "MA",
"zip": "02453",
"bankAccountId": "36628822",
"minimalPayoutAmount": 50,
"paymentReference": "Payment for vendor 1234",
"refundReserve": 200
"vendorAgreement": {
"commissionPercent": 20,
"accountStatus": "INACTIVE",
"recurringCommission": "Y"
curl -v -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Business ABC",
"address": "25 Business Avenue",
"city": "Boston",
"zip": "02453",
"country": "US",
"phone": "555-555-5555",
"state": "MA",
"taxId": 123456789,
"defaultPayoutCurrency": "USD",
"ipnUrl": "",
"vendorPrincipal": {
"firstName": "Joe",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": "123 Main Street",
"city": "Boston",
"zip": "12345",
"country": "US",
"dob": "28-09-9999",
"personalIdentificationNumber": "1234",
"driverLicenseNumber": "7676234872",
"email": "[email protected]"
"payoutInfo": [
"payoutType": "ACH",
"baseCurrency": "USD",
"minimalPayoutAmount": "50",
"nameOnAccount": "name of vendor account",
"bankAccountClass": "CORPORATE",
"bankAccountType": "CHECKING",
"bankName": "Bank of America",
"bankId": "123456789",
"country": "US",
"city": "Boston",
"address": "1 bank address",
"state": "MA",
"zip": "02453",
"bankAccountId": "36628822",
"minimalPayoutAmount": 50,
"paymentReference": "Payment for vendor 1234",
"refundReserve": 200
"vendorAgreement": {
"commissionPercent": 30
Response Example
HTTP/ 1.1 204 No Content
API Explorer
BlueSnap provides a sandbox environment so you can test basic requests with this endpoint. You can view the request in the API Explorer console and its response directly below the console.
The console includes a sample request with predefined parameter values. To send a request with custom values, edit the parameter fields below. As you edit the fields, your custom values display in the request in the console.
Click the Try it! button below the request example when you are ready to send your request.