
Contains billing contact information


Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
address1stringRequiredAddress line 1 for billing.
Maximum 100 characters.
address2stringOptionalAddress line 2 for billing.
Between 2-42 characters.
citystringRequiredCity for billing.
Between 2-42 characters.
countrystringRequiredCountry code for billing.
See Country codes.
firstNamestringRequiredFirst name for billing.
Maximum 100 characters.
lastNamestringRequiredLast name for billing.
Maximum 100 characters.
personalIdentificationNumberstringRequired for local LatAm processing in Brazil; Optional for all other Latam countries.The shopper's local personal identification number. These are the ID types per country:

Argentina - DNI (length 7-11 chars)
Brazil - CPF/CNPJ (length 11-14 chras)
Chile - RUN (length 8-9 chars)
Mexico - CURP/RFC (length 10-18 chars)
statestringOptionalState code for billing.
See State and province codes.
Supports US and Canada states only. For states in other countries, it is necessary to include the state within the address1 or address2 property.
zipstringRequiredZIP code for billing.
Maximum 20 characters.


Property NameTypeDescription
address1stringAddress line 1 for billing.
Maximum 100 characters.
address2stringAddress line 2 for billing.
Between 2-42 characters.
citystringCity for billing.
Between 2-42 characters.
countrystringCountry code for billing.
See Country codes.
firstNamestringFirst name for billing.
Maximum 100 characters.
lastNamestringLast name for billing.
Maximum 100 characters.
personalIdentificationNumberstringThe shopper's local personal identification number. These are the ID types per country:

Argentina - DNI (length 7-11 chars)
Brazil - CPF/CNPJ (length 11-14 chras)
Chile - RUN (length 8-9 chars)
Mexico - CURP/RFC (length 10-18 chars)
statestringState code for billing.
See State and province codes.
zipstringZIP code for billing.
Maximum 20 characters.