Retrieve All Subscriptions

The Retrieve All Subscriptions request enables you to retrieve details about all existing subscriptions in your account, or else for a specific shopper or plan ID.
You can filter by status, shopper, or plan.


Send a test request

Go to API Explorer to send a test request to our sandbox environment and receive a response in real time.

Request Content

Enter any of the query parameters below into the request URL. For example:

Query Parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionExample
afterSubscription ID. The response will get the page of results after the specified ID (exclusive).after=1000
beforeSubscription ID. The response will get the page of results before the specified ID (exclusive).before=5000
fulldescriptiontrue (default) = Return complete details for each subscription in the response

false = Return limited information about each subscription
gettotaltrue = Include the number of total results in the responsegettotal=true
pagesizePositive integer. Sets the maximum number of results to return (i.e. page size).
Default is 10 if not set.
Maximum is 500.
planidRetrieve the subscriptions associated to a specific plan.planid=2345
shopperidRetrieve the subscriptions for a specific shopper.shopperid=16985478
statusEnter ACTIVE , CANCELED, SUSPENDED or DELETED to filter for subscriptions with that status.status=ACTIVE

Response Details

If successful, the response HTTP status code is 200 OK.
The response contains the subscriptionList object.


Request Examples

curl -v -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '
curl -v -X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=' \
-d '

Response Examples

    "totalResults": 42,
    "lastPage": false,
    "subscriptions": [
            "vaultedShopperId": 19550180,
            "planId": 2186200,
            "subscriptionId": 34566
            "vaultedShopperId": 1976543,
            "planId": 2186208,
            "subscriptionId": 34565
            "vaultedShopperId": 1923456,
            "planId": 2195008,
            "subscriptionId": 34564
            "vaultedShopperId": 1975746,
            "planId": 6208208,
            "subscriptionId": 34563
            "vaultedShopperId": 1922334,
            "planId": 408567,
            "subscriptionId": 34562
    "lastPage": true,
    "subscriptions": [
            "nextChargeDate": "2016-08-15",
            "quantity": 1,
            "trialPeriodDays": 14,
            "paymentSource": {"creditCardInfo": {
                "billingContactInfo": {
                    "firstName": "John",
                    "lastName": "Doe"
                "creditCard": {
                    "expirationYear": 2023,
                    "cardLastFourDigits": 1111,
                    "cardSubType": "CREDIT",
                    "cardCategory": "CLASSIC", 
                    "cardType": "VISA",
                    "expirationMonth": "07"
            "softDescriptor": "BLS*default_descriptor",
            "recurringChargeAmount": 29.99,
            "chargeFrequency": "MONTHLY",
            "vaultedShopperId": 21188039,
            "payerInfo": {
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe"
            "initialChargeAmount": 100,
            "autoRenew": true,
            "planId": 2283845,
            "currency": "USD",
            "subscriptionId": 343434,
            "status": "ACTIVE"
            "nextChargeDate": "2016-08-30",
            "quantity": 1,
            "trialPeriodDays": 14,
            "paymentSource": {"creditCardInfo": {
                "billingContactInfo": {
                    "firstName": "Bob",
                    "lastName": "Shopper"
                "creditCard": {
                    "expirationYear": 2023,
                    "cardLastFourDigits": 1234,
                    "cardSubType": "CREDIT",
                    "cardCategory": "CLASSIC",
                    "cardType": "VISA",
                    "expirationMonth": 10
            "softDescriptor": "BLS*default_descriptor",
            "recurringChargeAmount": 29.99,
            "chargeFrequency": "MONTHLY",
            "vaultedShopperId": 2134539,
            "payerInfo": {
                "firstName": "Bob",
                "lastName": "Shopper"
            "initialChargeAmount": 100,
            "autoRenew": true,
            "planId": 2283845,
            "currency": "USD",
            "subscriptionId": 343433,
            "status": "ACTIVE"

API Explorer

To test out a basic API request, click the "Try It!" button in the right-hand column to test using the default, pre-populated sample values. To test with your own values, edit the parameter fields below. You'll see them populate in the right-hand column and you can click the "Try It!" button to submit your test request and see a response.

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Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!