
Contains Level 2/3 data properties for each item purchased



  • A maximum of 97 line items is supported within level3DataItems. If you send more than 97 line items in the request, the first 97 will be accepted and the rest will be ignored.

  • While all level3DataItems properties are optional in the request, each data level (such as Level 2 and Level 3) has specific requirements. See the Level 2/3 Data guide for complete details.


Property NameTypeDescription
commodityCodestringCommodity code used to classify item
Max length: 12

> Important
> For Visa, the commodity code must be numeric and cannot be all zeros or the transaction will fail.
descriptionstringItem description
Max length:
Amex: 40
Mastercard: 35

- Visa: 26
discountAmountdecimalDiscount amount applied to item
Max length:
Mastercard: 9
Visa: 12
discountIndicatorstringIndicates whether item amount is discounted
Max length: 1

Possible values:
Y — Item amount is discounted.
N — Item amount is not discounted.
grossNetIndicatorstringIndicates whether tax is included in item amount
Max length: 1

Possible values:
Y — Tax is included in item amount
N — Tax is not included in item amount.
itemQuantitydecimalItem quantity purchased
Max length: 12
lineItemTotaldecimalTotal item amount
Max length:
Mastercard: 9
Visa: 12
productCodestringProduct code for item
Max length: 12
taxAmountdecimalTax amount for item
Max length:
Mastercard: 9
Visa: 12
taxRatedecimalTax rate applied to item
Max length:
Mastercard: 5
Visa: 4
taxTypestringType of tax being applied
Max length: 4
unitCostdecimalUnit cost
Max length: 12
unitOfMeasurestringUnit of measure
Max length:
Mastercard: 3
Visa: 12


Property NameTypeDescription
commodityCodestringCommodity code used to classify item.
descriptionstringItem description.
discountAmountdecimalDiscount amount applied to item.
discountIndicatorstringIndicates whether item amount is discounted.

Possible values:
Y - Item amount is discounted.
N - Item amount is not discounted.
grossNetIndicatorstringIndicates whether tax is included in item amount

Possible values:
Y - Tax is included in item amount
N - Tax is not included in item amount.
itemQuantitydecimalItem quantity purchased.
lineItemTotaldecimalTotal item amount.
productCodestringProduct code for item.
taxAmountdecimalTax amount for item.
taxRatedecimalTax rate applied to item.
taxTypestringType of tax being applied.
unitCostdecimalUnit cost.
unitOfMeasurestringUnit of measure.