


Vendor requirements

Initially, you do not need all your vendor's information to submit the request to immediately begin processing transactions; however, to fully board your vendor, you must collect all the necessary Know Your Customer (KYC), banking, and any additional required information from them, and submit to BlueSnap for verification.

Property NameTypeRequiredDescription
addressstringRequiredAddress of vendor principal owner. Maximum 60 characters.
address2stringOptionalAddress line 2 of vendor principal owner. Maximum 60 characters.
citystringRequiredCity of vendor principal owner. Maximum 40 characters.
countrystringRequiredCountry code of vendor principal owner. See Country Codes.
dobstringRequiredDate of Birth of vendor principal owner

Format: dd-mm-yyyy
driverLicenseNumberstringOptionalDriver license number of vendor principal owner. Maximum 20 alphanumeric characters.

Note: If the vendor principal country is not the US, only one of personalIdentificationNumber, driverLicenseNumber or passportNumber is required.
emailstringRequiredEmail address of vendor principal owner. Maximum 150 characters. "+" character is not permitted.
firstNamestringRequiredFirst name of vendor principal owner. Maximum 40 characters.
lastNamestringRequiredLast name of vendor principal owner. Maximum 40 characters.
passportNumberstringOptionalPassport number of vendor principal owner. Maximum 20 alphanumeric characters.

Note: If the vendor principal country is not the US, only one of personalIdentificationNumber, driverLicenseNumber or passportNumber is required.
personalIdentificationNumberstringRequired if vendor principal country is USIn the US, this value is the last four digits of the principal owner's Social Security Number.

In countries outside of the US, this value is the full National Identification Number of the principal owner, or TaxID if the country doesn’t support a National Identification Number.

Maximum 25 characters.

Note: If the vendor principal country is not the US, only one of personalIdentificationNumber, driverLicenseNumber or passportNumber is required.
zipstringRequiredZip of vendor principal owner. Maximum 10 characters.