Contains details about the payment method that the shopper used for their most recent purchase
Property Name | Type | Description |
acssDirectDebit | object | Contains acssDirectDebit properties Appears only if last payment method was ACSS. |
becsDirectDebit | object | Contains becsDirectDebit properties Appears only if last payment method was BECS. |
creditCard | object | Container of creditCard properties. Appears only if the last payment method was a credit card. |
ecp | object | Contains ACH/ECP account properties. See ecp. Appears only if the last payment method was ECP. |
paymentMethod | string | Payment method used for the shopper's most recent purchase. Value can be: ACSS APPLEPAY BECS CC ECP _ PAYPAL * SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT |
sepaDirectDebit | object | Contains sepaDirectDebit properties Appears only if last payment method was SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT. |
wallet | object | Contains Apple Pay wallet properties. See wallet. Appears only if the last payment method was APPLE_PAY. |