
Contains Level 2/3 data properties for the transaction


While all level3Data properties are optional in the request, each data level (such as Level 2 and Level 3) has specific requirements. See the Level 2/3 Data guide for complete details.


Property NameTypeDescription
customerReferenceNumberstringReference number used by shopper to track order
Max length: 17
destinationCountryCodestringDestination country code
Max length: 3
destinationZipCodestringDestination zip code
Max length: 10
discountAmountdecimalDiscount amount applied to transaction
Max length: 12
dutyAmountdecimalTotal charges for import/export duties included in transaction
Max length:
Mastercard: 9
Visa: 12
freightAmountdecimalShipping amount
Max length:
Mastercard: 9
Visa: 12
level3DataItemsarrayContainer of level3DataItems properties.

May appear multiple times in request
salesTaxAmountdecimalTotal sales tax amount
Max length: 12
shipFromZipCodestringThe zip code of the location from where the items were shipped
Max length: 10
taxAmountdecimalTotal tax/VAT amount for transaction
Max length: 12
taxRatedecimalTax/VAT rate applied to transaction
Max length: 4


Property NameTypeDescription
customerReferenceNumberstringReference number used by shopper to track order.
destinationCountryCodestringDestination country code.
destinationZipCodestringDestination zip code.
discountAmountdecimalDiscount amount applied to transaction.
dutyAmountdecimalTotal charges for import/export duties included in transaction.
freightAmountdecimalShipping amount.
level3DataItemsarrayArray containing one or more level3DataItems objects.
salesTaxAmountdecimalTotal sales tax amount.
shipFromZipCodestringThe zip code of the location from where the items were shipped.
taxAmountdecimalTotal tax/VAT amount for transaction.
taxRatedecimalTax/VAT rate applied to transaction.
transactionProcessedWithL3dSupportedAcquirerbooleanIndicates whether transaction was processed with an acquirer that supports Level 2/3 data.